Features Overview

Green Mountain Pellet Grills is the top-of-line…the best-of-the-best, but not the highest in price! We offer the highest quality Grills, Dry Rubs, Sauces, and Pellets for our grills and customers to enjoy the best possible grilling experience without breaking the bank. We are committed to offering the best customer service experience to our customers and take pride in our 5 star customer service!

The all-new daniel boone “Prime”

The all-new daniel boone “Prime”

They're in stock!

You've made the best decision of your life and you want your new Green Mountain today.  We can help.  We keep the most all the PRIME and CHOICE versions in stock.

Dream big, just do it.

Come see us today, enjoy smoked pork loin tonight!

Cooking Pellets

Green Mountain Grills Brand Pellets are made out 100% kiln dried sawdust that never touches the floor. Our Pellets are held together with the natural lignin’s in the wood. Green Mountain pellets are a deep brown with a large diameter so they will burn longer than Standard pellets .  We keep all of Green Mountain's cooking pellets in stock, year round.
